
Introducing MyDek Luxura

MyDek, a sister company of Sapphire Balconies, is proud to launch a new decking board, Luxura, a unique and patented high-density mineral composite designed to replicate the aesthetic of hardwood timber and is truly the ultimate decking board.

Luxura, formerly known as Blazeboard, has achieved the ultimate A1 non-combustibility rating, delivers outstanding durability, and is super low maintenance. It also captures timber’s natural look and feels.

The high-density composite is exceptionally resistant against scratching, wear and tear and will endure all extremes of weather conditions. This high-performance composite feels natural and solid underfoot and will never twist, warp, or rot.

You can relax with Luxura ®.

Benefits of Luxura

• Natural timber looks aesthetic for a smooth texture
• A1 Non-combustible fire rating for ultimate fire safety
• Hardwearing mineral composite for ultimate durability
• Exceptional slip resistance keeping users safe
• Stain resistant, easy-clean surface
• Excellent thermal properties; movement of the board intact
• Will never warp, twist, or rot, meaning less maintenance
• 30-year warranty and 60-year design for extended peace of mind

Luxura Decking Board can be used in Sapphire Balconies

• Same size as other boards
• Clip systems work well
• Use at any height as it is a class A1
• Can be used in any country where we work

The 3S’s of MyDek Luxura


Yes, A2 S1D0 products are allowable at any height. But A1 is no longer a wish but a reality for deck boards. All materials used to create Luxura are compliant with current industry and manufacturing standards. The products are thoroughly tested for durability, deflection, and slip resistance and are certified to INC BSEN13501.


Luxura® is one of the lowest-maintenance decking systems available. It is single colour throughout, meaning it can sand down and be repaired even if damaged.


The 60-year service life uses a unique formula where the waste product is usually sent to a landfill. It can be recycled, making it a sustainable building feature. The longer life cycle reduces the energy required to produce replacements. Material wastage created through the manufacturing process is fully recyclable and is used to make other decking products.

Luxura ®. Natural choice. Ultimate performance.
