
What is the Next Generation Balcony?

The Next Generation Balcony is a huge step forward for the construction market, using an ultra-low carbon framework and innovative developments across the board that make this the future of Sapphire’s product line. We’ve reduced the CO2 in our Next Generation balconies by 19% across stages A1-A5 and made this our most sustainable suite of products ever.

1. The Next Generation is Lighter.

We’ve reduced the amount of material in our balconies compared to our standard Glide-On Cassette®, meaning the amount of embodied carbon is reduced as a result. Furthermore, thanks to the lighter-weight Cassette® of the Next Generation Balcony, we’re able to transport more balconies to the site in a single journey, further reducing the embodied carbon footprint of your project.

As an extra benefit, the light weight of the Next Generation Balcony Cassette® means that we’ve further reduced the weight on your building’s structure. This means fewer penetrations in the building façade, less risk of thermal bridging and a more energy-efficient building for both you and your end-users.

2. The Next Generation is Safer.

We’ve redefined what balcony safety can mean using our award-winning Remote Locker Device (RLD). Having played a big part in us recently being awarded the prestigious Tech Company of the Year 2023 Award and readily available on projects globally, the RLD allows for a balcony to be installed remotely, without installation teams ever needing to step onto a balcony before it is secured to the building. Thanks to the Next Generation’s new design, an installer will never need to work under a live load, nor will they need to step out onto a load that hasn’t already been locked into place.

We’ve taken accountability to new heights – our innovative Passport® quality control app is still in place and as smart as ever – our balconies are thoroughly checked over before they have a chance to leave the factory and by making sure that every balcony is right on arrival, we’re making sure that your project stays safe, secure and installed on time.

3. The Next Generation has More Possibilities than ever before.

From the way the balcony connects to the building to greater aesthetic freedom, the Next Generation is versatile and able to become whatever your project needs it to be. We’ve introduced various new balustrading options across the Next Generation range, including our previously announced Crescent Corner balcony. We are now proud to offer the Identité Balustrade, patterned vertical bars and Crescent Balustrade as customisation options for your balcony project in a choice of hundreds of colours. With 15 types of balustrades and over 8 million combinations, variations and permutations available, the Next Generation is Sapphire’s most aesthetically versatile suite of balconies yet.

But that’s not all.

There are now more connection methods available for Sapphire’s Next Generation range than ever before. From the classic Glide-On™ and Tie-Rod connections to the brand new Clip-On™ connections being used at Wembley Park’s new North East Lands developments, interfacing with your project has never been simpler.

4. The Next Generation is Kinder.

There’s a lot to be said for being kind. From an act of goodwill to a neighbour to our company mantra – “Innovation to Prosper the Community” – being kinder has always been part of our DNA. Sapphire’s Next Generation is kinder in many ways.

It’s kinder to construction, with the new design allowing for fewer journeys between the factory and the site, allowing for installers to connect the balcony remotely and allowing for greater aesthetic freedom.

It’s kinder to people. An ingrained quality control process in the form of our Passport® app means the end-user will never have to walk out onto a balcony that we’ve deemed anything less than up to our stringent standards.

It’s kinder to the planet. The Next Generation is the most sustainable suite of balconies we’ve ever designed. We’ve reduced the amount of material in the balcony itself and are making sure that any runoffs in the construction process are recycled for use in future balconies.

That’s it.

No greenwashing, no carbon credits, just a Lighter, Safer, Kinder product with More Possibilities than ever before that we’re proud to call the Next Generation.

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The Next Generation is here and can be specified for your residential project today

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