
Walled Garden, Dublin

Client:   Marlet Property Group

Contractor:   Glenbeigh Construction Limited

Architect:   Plus Architecture

Location:   Dundrum, Dublin

Balconies:   114 balcony lifts

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“Service has been good – any replies have been prompt and design is
progressing well.”

– Site manager


Dundrum is a historic location south of Dublin that has served as both a residential hub and as a commercial district. The walled gardens were originally part of farmland that has been dated back to the 1830s. Marlet Property Group aspired to give this area a new lease of life through their Walled Gardens development, working with Sapphire to bring 114 balconies to the area.

Streamlined by Technology, Delivered by Sapphire:

Marlet Property Group aspired to create a new development amongst the distinctive walled gardens of Dundrum, Dublin. A heritage scheme, Marlet was looking to preserve the historical aspect of the area whilst delivering a modern take on residential development, so the balconies needed to be aesthetically pleasing, all whilst not disturbing the historic walls, nor incurring a large cost.

Considering the scheme was so close to the heritage walls, Sapphire was consulted from an early stage and brought on board to streamline the project through technology and technological design. Sapphire’s counterbalance equipment was used to effectively and quickly install the balconies, all whilst keeping the live load a good distance from the heritage walls.

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Case Studies