
8th Lock Apartments, Dublin

Client:   Ballymore Properties Limited

Contractor:   Ballymore Properties Limited

Architect:   Reddy Architecture & Urbanism

Location:   Rathoath Road, Dublin

Balconies:   361

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“It’s been a great experience working with Sapphire. Great design, great product, great service – supply has worked well.”

Sean Walsh, Project Manager, Ballymore Properties


Named after the closest lock on the Grand Canal, Ballymore Properties’ 8th Lock Apartments project is located on the site of the former Ormond Printworks in Ashtown. 8th Lock has been developed as a new suite of apartments alongside the Royal Canal in Dublin 11, just a stone’s throw from the city centre. The project, wonderfully designed by Reddy Architecture & Urbanism, features 361 balconies manufactured and supplied by Sapphire Balconies, which overlook a stretch of Dublin whilst allowing for a sense of community between residents.

Streamlined by Innovation, Delivered by Sapphire

Ballymore’s dilemma arose from the need to use pre-cast connections on the slab whilst still maintaining a rigid balcony.

Sapphire’s collaboration with Ballymore Properties on the 8th Lock Apartments introduced a streamlined approach through product innovation thanks to early engagement between our team and the design team at Ballymore. We envisioned using full assembly connections, pre-cast into the concrete slab to allow for a smoother installation process throughout.

Sapphire worked alongside Ballymore to add our thermally broken anchors at each stage of the slab pour. Once the pour was complete and the building façade had finished being installed, our balconies were delivered to the site as and when needed to be installed via our Glide-On™ connection method, which allowed for a quick and efficient installation process.

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Case Studies