
What does the future hold for balcony design?

Imagine a world where balcony design turns into delivery without the stress and risk of human error. Specifying designs can be a complex process.

Often specifiers spend a lot of time creating designs that impact the overall project only to have the product value engineered and changed. Imagine a world where the original design can be visualised and created through digital tools, then the exact design successfully creates DfMA and works perfectly through construction.

Imagine where the initial balcony design seamlessly flows through to delivery.

The future of construction is digital. From onsite tools to software suites which systematically speed up and enable accurate data records and create a “Golden Thread” of information, whilst collaboratively enhancing the quality of construction.

The COACH suite, powered by Sapphire, is creating a streamlined process from enhancing specification and quoting speed to creating manufacture ready data.  COACH systematised quality, design for manufacture and assembly, whilst ensuring the design is effectively delivered.

COACH is the latest enhancement to CABS our Computer Aided Balcony Specifier, and the complete new suite will be launched in December 2020.

We are extensively investing in COACH to enhance the existing suite. Some of the future features on the COACH journey include:

  • Computerised pricing of your COACH balcony design
  • Tender submissions for your balcony design
  • Automatic structural calculations
  • Generating the quality process for each balcony
  • Automated production drawings
  • Computer created BIM files
  • Value engineering analysis
  • standard design library for customers
  • Guidance tips based on the location of the project.
